in the digital age, a lot of misinformation is spread around. However, in our community, misinformation goes much deeper than a mistake in a news story. There is a lot of intentional misinformation being spread around to appease personal agendas. Some politicians and community leaders will do what is necessary to control the narrative. This is why fact-checking is so important.

Other Reasons Why Fact-Checking Is Important

  1. Keeping the Community Informed – Our community deserves the facts. They deserve to know about the personal agendas and which parts of the narrative are true and false. This enables our citizens to make informed decisions about the people put in power.
  2. Combatting the Narrative in the Media – Sadly, some of our media outlets also fall victim to false information, but they also tend to skip the fact-checking process because of tight deadlines or lack of staff. There’s also the fact that the media can be biased toward specific people. A reporter might believe that what they are being told is fact because they trust the person giving them the information. It is important to set the record straight. It is also important to ensure the media publishes corrections and retractions when necessary to ensure the integrity of public records.
  3. Determining Accuracy of Sources – As mentioned above regarding the media and the trusting of sources, even the most trustworthy can have issues with accuracy. A lot of information is passed down and can change over time. Beth and her team identify the original source, confirm the accuracy, and ensure the correct information is obtained so that the public is aware.

Keep in mind that sites like Snopes are great for mainstream media fact-checking. However, local fact-checking requires someone with knowledge of the ins and outs fo local politics and other matters. It also requires investigative experience.

Supporting Evidence Is Key

When it comes to fact-checking, supporting evidence is the key. If there is no supporting evidence, it is ideal to be skeptical until you know the information you are receiving is irrefutable.

Beth and her team are here to help you obtain proper information and is always working within the community to bringing the facts to light.

If you need to get in touch with Beth, complete the form below.

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